Since summer 2014 we are a certified family centre NRW. It is our goal to support families with upbringing and in their daily life and, by doing so, to make an effort for more equality of opportunity and education. Our cooperation partners aid us in creating local and open counselling and education services.
The services of the family centre are mainly emphasised on the following service areas:
Why are we family centre?
For the PariSozial Bergisches Land and the pedagogical Team of the FamZ am Paffenberg, family centres are important social facilities.
It is our common objective, to offer services for the advancement and support of children and families in different circumstances and with different needs. At work, we are a family-supplementary service. We want to accompany parents on their educational mission; to offer them support based on their needs. Through the different service areas of FamZ and their possibilities we can fulfil the needs of families better and more precisely. This way the parents receive comprehensive aid as soon as possible, accurate and immediate. The best condition for this to be achieved is when parents can receive the support in the place where their children spend time on a day to day basis – namely the day-care facilities, a familiar place for them and for you. It is important for us that the services are kept low-threshold, meaning they are close to your everyday life, local, and as cost-neutral as possible. The family centre is obligated to a family-oriented concept. We want to speak to the family as a whole and to offer a habitat, not only for the children, but for the whole family. As a family centre, we approach all families in our proximity.
Our range of services
We are supported by the following cooperation partners:
- Cooperation with the catholic counselling centre Wipperfürth, counselling happens 1 times a month
- Cooperation with the EUTB (Ergänzende, unabhängige Teilhabeberatung) of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband
- Cooperation with the family education facility in Wipperfürth; regular educational offers for parents and their families take place, open parents’ café
- Cooperation with the Tagesmütternetz Oberberg; support with the arrangement of baby minders
- Collaboration with different therapists, local paediatricians, children and youth psychiatrists
- Collaboration with the early intervention centre in Oberbantenberg, house of early intervention
- Collaboration with the early intervention centre in Wipperfürth in the Trägerschaft der Lebenshilfe
- Mentoring for the advancement of health and exercise
- Our Kita partakes regularly at network meetings of early supports
- Collaboration with the immigration commissioner of the community Lindlar
These possibilities enable a very good early prevention and are family-friendly because of their regional proximity. This creates a good basis for a successful life-work balance.
- Regular parent talks
- Open parent café
- Parents’ information event concerning different subjects
- Regular look-around events for new parents
- Father/mother-child activities
- Regular queries about offers and needs for mentoring
- Emergency care for siblings
- Care for children from the age of 2 up
- Current registers on paper or digitally:
- Mentoring and support
- Services + aid for families
- Sports and health facilities
- Different types of school in and around Lindlar
- Support offers in the Oberberg County
- Extracurricular learning places and education facilities
- Medical and therapeutical support
Our service is a pool of knowledge for the whole family about measurements and services of our facility. In the context of our work at the family centre, we face the task of watching the parents’ needs for targeted aid and support as well as securing a healthy balance of work and family life.