PariSozial Bergisches Land – this is US
The non-profit organisation PariSozial Bergisches Land located in Bergisch Gladbach is
- a 100% affiliated company of the “Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband NRW” (an equal welfare association) and
- involved in the Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis, the Oberbergischer Kreis and in Leverkusen
- active as an agency for the youth specifically in the fields of support service, development and the implementation of customized, educational offers for children in the range of elementary, primary and secondary 1 schools
- a recognized agency of uncommitted youth welfare according to § 75 SGB VIII.
Our Offers: We are providers for
- 3 day-care facilities for children (2x Oberbergischer Kreis, 1x Leverkusen)
- 3 OGS (open all-day schools) in Bergisch Gladbach (Bensberg, Inner city, Refrath)
- 3 Sek1-projects (Overath and Bergisch Gladbach)
and in this context provide support for more than 800 children and their families in Bergisch Gladbach, Overath, Leverkusen and Lindlar.
Furthermore, the PariSozial Bergisches Land includes
- the Kita-Service, which itself offers services in the fields of financial accounting, salaries and administration as well as specialist counselling on the subject of business‑management.
- the coordination office of the network against the far right in the Oberbergischer Kreis.
We are looking forward to your visit on our websites as well as further suggestions and/or criticism.